Monday, September 10, 2012

Foot Massage

I have been complaining of a numb toe in the last two months. Despite medication and a triple dose of Vitamin B, the discomfort is still there.

As an alternative, I also went to a reflexologist to get a foot massage. Reflexology is the most known term for acupressure in my country. It is said that whatever disturbance you have inside your body is reflected on the reflex points of your feet. But we were warned. It could be extra painful when those points were pressed or rubbed!

Two office mates went with me to the reflexologist, all for curiosity's sake. We were jerking and excruciating in pain when our feet were massaged for one hour. (Not to mention laughing at each other'™s grimacing forms.) I was in deep pain and kept pulling my foot away. I was told that I have disturbances in my ovaries, uterus, spinal cord, lumbar nerve, and kidneys. Sheez! And a little toe was in so much pain. I was told I have migraines. True..

The three of us made it a point to get thrice-a-week sessions. After a while, the pain has become tolerable unlike the first session. And we can already ignore some pain. I hope to get a painless rub a few weeks from now.

(Reposted: June 5, 2007)

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