Take a peek into my thoughts. Be loved, be enlightened, be blessed..

Monday, September 10, 2012



There is a stray cat in the office that we feed with leftovers from our packed lunches. The security guards feed him on weekends and holidays.

We do not know where he came from. We drove him away a number of times, afraid he would poop and pee on our desks. Fortunately, he does not. He made our office his home and for a couple of months, he is with us with a nameless presence. We refer to him as Miming, a generic name for a cat, instead of the usual pusakal (slang term for stray cat). And now he is part of the office family, pampered with whatever food we have.

Notice the different colors of his eyes. Emerald and sky-blue. This is the first time I saw a cat like this.

And by the way, we are thinking of giving him a real name but could not come up with anything sweet. Any suggestion?

(Reposted: July 24, 2007)

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