Take a peek into my thoughts. Be loved, be enlightened, be blessed..

Monday, September 10, 2012


We have been getting a lot of rain in the last several weeks while parts of the country, especially in the North, are experiencing the dry spell. A state of calamity has been declared in some provinces. Potable water has been rationed already in the metropolis.

I love the rains, but they came in unpredictable patterns. It would be sunny when I leave the house for work. And it would turn dark within a few minutes. Sometimes, it would rain a little after. At times, the skies would clear up. The weather reports were sometimes inaccurate. Do you have unpredictable weather in your place of the world, too?

Hey, a friend of mine shares his practical and simplified weather forecaster and I am passing it on to all of you. Maybe this will be of great help. This is 100% reliable.

Laugh away, folks!

(Reposted: July 31, 2007)

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