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Monday, September 10, 2012

Showcasing Our Island's Dances

 The Royal Government of Belgium played a very vital role in uplifting the lives of the farmers in selected regions of the Philippines. The government agency where I belong to was the lead implementor of the projects assisted by other government and non-government organizations.

And after nine years of implementation, the Belgian projects will end this month. As a way of gathering the stakeholders, a legacy summit is scheduled in a tourist destination in Panglao Island, Bohol together with the Belgian envoy to the Philippines and other diplomats.

I shall be transported here to dance.. (Yipeee!!)

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Our province will be presenting the various ethnic heritage before an audience of 200 people. We had a record-breaking two weeks of practicing the ethnic dances which normally takes months to hone the craft on footwork and elaborate hand movements.

Here I am shown wearing silver steel-plate nails called janggay (pronounced jang- gai .. jang where the vowel is like the "a" in car, gai as in guy).

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We dance chin up but with eyes on the floor because a tribe girl is said to be shy and timid, except when we raise our hand where we follow our fingers with our eyes and then back to the floor when our hands are down.. And we are not allowed to smile.

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Look! Even Miming's girlfriend and kittens were with us during the dance practice!

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And even Miming's friend witnessed us from the balcony... Hahaha!

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We have genuine ethnic clothes handwoven by tribeswomen in the mountains..

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And this is how I look like when I am wearing the authentic costume (geez!!):

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We ended the two-week practice with a dressed rehearsal.. Oops! I smiled here.. Hahaha..

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So my dear 360 family, I shall be off from blogging for about a couple of weeks. I shall catch up with your blogs with my comments upon my return. I am gonna miss all of you.

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See yah later!

(Reposted: August 11, 2007)

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